Hello, i need make same grid galery same this webpage http://bonavistadev.com/promociones/girona2/ with 6 photos exactly, but i can’t…..see my webpage https://www.creativaonline.cat/prokasa/ , 6 photos gallery not exactely and not with 100%…
Any help please…
Sorry english.
Hey slekiz,
It looks like the other site is using a Grid Row element with a Masonry element inside of it, please try that out instead of the Color Section which you are using at the moment.
Best regards,
Hi Rikard thx for response :)
I try whta you see, i make a 1 grid row without a color section like screenshoot, but i don’t know continnue….can make a gallery and put inside grid and later use Masonry element ?
Thx, but i am new in enfold template :)
Now work, without grid…
Thx a lot