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  • #962568

    Hi all,

    Firstable; let me compliment the author for making this amazing theme! For that matter, for me it’s the best theme ever.

    In addition to a earlier thread I need your help.
    I noticed that a lot of Enfold users dealing with the same issue as me as I found many posts. Yet there still isn’t any solution available or provided by the author and I do think it can be easily fixed to be honest.

    The issue
    Normally the child’s css file is being used to custom style existing (theme/plugins) css and overrule them by being last loaded.
    Enfold’s theme has a “General Options” built-in the backend, where you can modify (or add) styles (for example, colors) and submit (save) them.
    Pretty cool feature/interface – so what’s the problem?

    – the child’s css is not leading, instead it’s content generates css output files to /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/
    – and only! being merged when you press “Save all changes” in the theme’s backend (… after each minor modification in the style.css …).

    I appreciate this built-in feature in the backend (but not that it takes over control).
    Custom styling a website is a direct ‘hands on’ workprocess (inspect elements in browser, modify/save/upload the child’s css – refresh browser) – and directly see the results.

    To be short; I like Enfold’s built-in feature for standard general styles/options.
    But child themes are being used to work as independent workflow because it’s files (normally) loads last – that said, Enfold’s built-in dynamic_avia is not configured to act as a stand-alone feauture that controls even the child’s css output.

    Pardon me if it feels tike I’m criticize the theme features, my technical English is a bit rusty ;-)
    I’m focussed on the solution. I want my child’s style.css act like it’s meant to be (as leading last loaded file).
    Otherwise what’s the point of using a child theme anyway.
    * in my opinion, there must be some code somewhere that mandate this process… maybe by removing/modify this code we can prevent this…. so the child’s css can work indepently again.

    For me this is very important so it will mean a lot if you help sorting this out with me !


    My 2nd question is – can you please check my style.css & functions.php to make sure it’s setup correctly?

    Content style.css

    Theme Name: Enfold Child
    Theme URI: https://cmsweb.online
    Description: Child theme customized for real2drive
    Author: cmsweb.online
    Author URI: https://author.cmsweb.online
    Template: enfold
    Version: 1.0
    Text Domain: enfold

    h1 {
    color: white;

    #footer {
    padding: 15px 0 30px 0;
    z-index: 1;
    background: #0095DB;

    #socket {
    font-size: 11px;
    margin-top: -1px;
    z-index: 1;
    background-color: #0095db;

    #producten {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-image: url(//www.real2drive.nl/wp-content/uploads/20180514_140450.jpg);
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-position: top right;

    Content functions.php


    /** 1. Load the parent enfold\style.css file */
    /** 2. Note: a custom.css file is located in enfold\css\ */
    /** 3. Is this both setup correctly in functions.php ? */

    function total_child_enqueue_parent_theme_style() {

    // Dynamically get version number of the parent stylesheet (lets browsers re-cache your stylesheet when you update your theme)
    $theme = wp_get_theme( ‘enfold’ );
    $version = $theme->get( ‘Version’ );

    // Load the stylesheet
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘enfold-style’, get_template_directory_uri().’/style.css’, array(), $version );

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enfold_child_enqueue_parent_theme_style’ );

    I highly appreciate the effort,



    Hey Jeroen,

    Thanks for that, though I’m not sure I understand exactly what you need help with. Is your CSS not applying? If so then please try to point out which parts and link to where we can see the results.

    If you want us to check you site then we need admin access to it, please provide login details in private.

    Best regards,


    I’m having the same problem, since updating to 4.3.2 any changes to the custom ‘style.css’ in my child theme are no longer being implemented by the website. Been using this theme for 2 years now. Older changes are still working (fonts etc.) but if I edit the ‘style.css the new changes are not being applied?

    When inspecting elements there are references to a ‘enfold-child.css?ver=7438743287’ that is in the content>uploads folder/
    It does NOT appear to directly reference my ‘style.css’ that I am editing in WP-content>themes>enfold-child>style.css

    I don’t use a cache plugin and have not turned on the performance features.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by sugarwayltd.

    Added changes from my ‘style.css’ that are NOT being applied, into the ‘Quick CSS’ panel in the enfold ‘General Styling’ and it all works! Might roll back to older version of Enfold and see what happens!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by sugarwayltd.

    Hi sugarwayltd,

    Great, glad you got it working. Style.css might be cached causing your updates not to take.

    Best regards,


    Still waiting on a straightforward answer……………



    Can you please let us know what your issue is exactly please?

    Best regards,


    I’m also experiencing a similar issue with the 4.4 version of Enfold. The style.css in the child-theme doesn’t fully update within the merged style sheet that’s generated by Enfold. I can see the custom styles within the merged sheet, but it doesn’t reflect what I updated. I rolled back to a previous version I was using to keep my site looking proper.

    Thanks for all your help!


    Hi CreativeFedora,

    We need to see the actual problem in order to help you out, please open a new thread and include a link to your site along with a detailed explanation of the problem.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Can you please read

    Victoria from support wrote;

    If you do not use the css merging the styles from the file style.css from your child theme should apply as they are, no need for saving them like theme options. The css that goes to the dynamic avia is the styles you put in the Quick css box and other settings in the theme options.

    If this is true, can you please investigate my functions.php and style.css? *
    In the sourcecode

    I see my css is not loaded at all ……..Please confirm.
    Maybe there’s some code missing (or incorrect).>

    Thanks a lot for helping me out, I appreciate the effort.

    Regards, Jeroen

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by cmsweb-online.

    if the problem is that your child folders style.css ist not loading, or changes don’t apply to the website, do this: disable the caching under Enfold Child (settings) -> Performance -> “CSS file merging and compression”, and as you’re there you can also deactivate “Javascript file merging and compression”. THIS should be the developer mode by default i think.
    After this you will
    -> see all the original files loaded into the html source code
    -> be very very happy that you only need to reload your browser after changing something in your style.css in your enfold-child folder.

    I also got mad about this, and find the solution by chance.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by virtualant.

    That’s correct virtualant and that’s what I did to resolve the problem. However, the goal is to utilize the theme’s newest optimization features.


    disable the caching under Enfold Child (settings) -> Performance -> “CSS file merging and compression”, and as you’re there you can also deactivate “Javascript file merging and compression”. THIS should be the developer mode by default i think.
    After this you will
    -> see all the original files loaded into the html source code
    -> be very very happy that you only need to reload your browser after changing something in your style.css in your enfold-child folder.

    Dear Virtualant,

    I highly appreciate you sharing your solution discovered as theme user ;)
    Before I got this reply, the coincidence were that I exactly find the same solution early evening (as posted on

    And yes! It works and me is very much happy haahha ^^
    It did took a full week but hey, now we can get busy on the nicer stuff named “styling” !

    Only 1 drawback with those options off – it has a dramatic effect on the site’s loadtime.
    Question 1 can I savely put those options on (once I’m done styling) ?
    Question 2 to be sure, is it completely ‘safe’ updating v4.4 > v4.4.1 (does it keep existing internally- and extern (child style.css) styles etc. or do you have a recommendation how to act in these?)

    Once again, thanks for sharing and the input!
    Also @ CreativeFedora merci for the input,


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by cmsweb-online.

    for me this is my first experience with enfold. I’m just starting a new project and have no experience with the caching system. The best way would be develop the website, working with the style.css in child theme without caching and at the end enable the caching. would this be a good way?
    I don’t like the small “quick css” window. it has no formatting, no code highlightning and is too small.


    same issue here. Additionally there is the difficulty that we use WP Rocket as cache plugin. I’m not sure it won’t cause conflict. In any case we could observe that when compression was turned off in enfold the pages had worse values in GTMetrix than in last version.
    We also had the issues with the style.css mentioned here and could only solve them with the (really relatively complicated) workaround already described here.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by hagege.


    Thanks for the updates. You should disable the cache/minify plugins or settings while you’re doing some style edits. Enable these options once you’re completely done with the site.

    @cmsweb-online: Yes, you can turn on the option when you’re done. The modifications on the style.css file should be safe when updating.

    Best regards,


    @cmsweb-online: Yes, you can turn on the option when you’re done. The modifications on the style.css file should be safe when updating.

    Thanks for this, I allready did the update and everything seems fine ;-)
    If not, I will inform you again.

    Best regards,


    Hi Jeroen,

    Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,


    I’m not sure this issue has been thoroughly addressed. If so, please point me to the appropriate discussion thread.

    We are running WordPress 5.03 and Enfold 4.5.2. We run a child theme.

    We have developed hundreds of sites for clients using the Enfold theme and are extremely familiar with the framework and its history. Suddenly, something significant has changed in recent versions in terms of how CSS is handled. The entire point of us using a child theme is to maximize control of every detail of the site without impacting the parent theme or preventing us from upgrading as new versions are released. Managing the CSS via the child theme is critical.

    In the Enfold > Performance > both Javascript and CSS merging and compression are turned off. In fact, they have never been turned on.

    However, the Quick CSS is still being subordinated by the CSS files in the ../wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia directory.

    What are we missing?

    Please see the following…

    Screenshot of the Enfold settings: https://eboligos.com/wp-content/uploads/screenshot.png
    Screenshot of the CSS path: https://eboligos.com/wp-content/uploads/screenshot2.png
    Website: https://eboligos.com

    Great theme, but very frustrated with this issue.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by scottwgraves.

    Hi scottwgraves,

    https://eboligos.com/wp-content/uploads/screenshot2.png This is the file with the dynamic styles generated to include the style setting done in the Theme options and Quick css.

    When you have the css merging enabled all the css goes into the the
    /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/avia-merged-styles-{some hash}.css

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    We never compiled anything. That’s the problem. And yet it is behaving as though the setting is enabled.

    Screenshot of the Enfold settings: https://eboligos.com/wp-content/uploads/screenshot.png




    The stylesheets in the site are not compressed. That file in the screenshot is the dynamic stylesheet and that is where the theme generates the css based on the data set in the theme options, predominantly related to the color scheme. This is how the theme handles the dynamic styles ever since.

    Best regards,


    First time i recognized this.
    But this must be done : i have in my quick css a background set to f.e.:
    url(/wp-content/uploads/Seal.png ) and it will end up in: url(/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/Seal.png )
    that the merged css is in that folder is ok – but the links to the images are still not in that folder !!!
    That is a bug.
    I noticed it here first time : https://webers-testseite.de/multiple-background-images/ where there are multiple background-image definitions. When i turn on the merging – the images are not found.
    Do i have to address now with absolute path?


    Yes i prooved it: only if i set absolute path in the quick css – there is no url-replacement when switch on the merging

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