Hello need help or guidance my page there produdos more do not sell online. For I am now so that makes furniture rental my customers access my page and choose the item to pre budget product he wants to rent.
I was looking for something following example:
Customer selects different items like shopping cart, but the items would go to the subject or form where it a pads the name, phone and send.
The only things that would be the product name he chose while surfing the products page.
I’ve used the tool “Woocommerce – Request a Quote” more does not work very well as I want because I just want a code that he pull the item name and add or e-mail form or subject.
I hope you understand me my english is horrible
Thank you bear already
Hey danytelles!
Everything is possible, but that would need a lot of work to be done.
You can contact one of our Customization Contractors, who will help you out with the process.
Let us know if we could do anything else, regarding our theme
Best regards,