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  • #1203823

    Ok so i am trying different things on my page but no matter what i do i still have a “serious” issue and few minor ones

    1) When adding a product to the cart the item was added correctly but i could not change the quantity. it would remain 1. After .. something now it does not add items to cart any more. Only thing i did after that is to update enfold to latest version and still the problem persists

    2) Minor issue. Changed the text from “add to cart” to greek, but i cannot find the “show details” to translate it
    3) another minor issue. Enfold is generating some issues with the server and if i make 4-5 saves within 5 or so minutes the server bans my ip for 10 minutes. I overcome this “issue” by asking the provider to whitelist my ip but our isp might change the ip every couple of days. It doesn’t really matter since i am almost done with the page but informationally i would like to know what could be causing this “issues”. If someone could take a look at it would be great, if not its all good
    4) I added a cart on top menu which would be great if it was not just a picture with a link to cart and was the dynamic one (but oh well i’m new to this)

    I am including information for the website and also for the cpanel just in case you would like to check something else out.


    Hey harrysdk,
    Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t find any error codes to identify why this is occurring, I did find that you can add an item to the cart if you click the cart button in the grid without going to the product page.
    Have you tried deactivating your plugins to see if this helps?
    Does your webhost have server object caching such as Memcached or Litespeed?

    Best regards,


    I will re-do the whole site in the next couple days. So far everything seems to work perfectly on the new one so i think we will be wasting time if we bother with finding what’s wrong with the one above. Might be something trivial or something complex but i am not able to find it


    Very good, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    you can delete it .. re-made the whole site and works like a charm ;)




    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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