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  • #863730

    Hi Enfold

    I have several websites with your themes. They’re great.
    I have a hosting account with several ‘Enfold’ websites and have migrated them from one server to another. All of them worked fine with the exception of one.

    I have spoken to my host and they explained that issue was with the Enfold theme.
    The content from the error_log in in the Private content.

    Can you please help me?

    I understand, there might also be an issue with the current PHP version or a specific module. Please let me know and I can update it.



    Hi Enfold

    I was able to access the WordPress admin area. It was all a mess. It didn’t look right. Way too many published pages (from the demo maybe).

    I deleted a whole lot of pages that were not necessary and I uninstalled then reinstalled the Enfold Theme. Now it looks better, but the homepage is not working. I think I’m on the right track.

    Please help.



    Thanks for the login details. I’m not sure if that is the problem but you are running an old version of WordPress, could you try updating please?

    Best regards,

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