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  • #1132152


    I know you don’t have responsibility with woocomerce plugin, but now I have a situation with Google Search Console show this error with product section: Either “offers”, “review”, or “aggregateRating” should be specified.

    Really I don’t products, because I dont sell anything but I use this section to show destiny because I have a tourist web.

    Also I use event calendar and in Search Console show this error: Missing field “location”

    I hope you can help me.



    Hey honkatech,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Are you using the default product template? This is actually a known Woocommerce issue.


    Please follow the suggestions there.

    Best regards,


    Sorry,but when I put some code in my wordpress the site down.

    I’m using default product template

    I cant fine the solution, woocomerce is updated but the problem continue.



    Thank you for the update.

    As described in that thread, there is no actual solution. The reports are just warnings and nothing critical, so you can just ignore them or mark them as resolved.

    The fix prevents the “Either offers review or aggregateRating should be specified” error on archive pages. This was actually reported as an error in Google validator and is resolved.

    Missing brand is a warning, not an error, and can be added through use of a plugin such as – brands do not exist in WooCommerce core.

    Missing ID is a warning. It can be added via a plugin such as Google product feeds and has an open issue for discussion since core does not have a field suitable for this data currently #22969

    Missing aggregateRating/ratings is a warning. If your product doesn’t have reviews, of course this data is missing. WooCommerce cannot make up review content for you :)

    If you continue to see “Either offers review or aggregateRating should be specified” errors it’s likely inline markup added by your theme. WooCommerce does not add inline schema markup – it uses JSON+LD scripts.

    Best regards,

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