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  • #293911


    I have my blog set up and it seems to work correctly, except when you select a category from the sidebar.

    If I click on the “blog” link from the main nav it goes to the blog as expected. Then when I click a blog post it goes to that blog post. Next if I click a category from the sidebar, it opens that category with a full post(s) and no feature image.

    Not sure why the feature image is no longer showing and why the full post(s) are showing and not an excerpt with “read more”?

    Also the breadcrumbs are not correct, it shows “home”, then the category. It should be “home”, then “blog”, then the “category” …right?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Snerp.


    Please update the theme to the latest version (2.9.1).

    Best regards,


    Ok I updated the theme and no change, the blog is still not working properly. Didi I miss something else?



    I made a typo on /enfold-child/functions.php, could you revert it via FTP please?

    Best regards,


    I changed the : to = … that all

    // big images for blog and page entries

    function avia_change_image_size_array() {

    global $avia_config;

    $avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘entry_with_sidebar’] = array(‘width’=>710, ‘height’=>420);


    $avia_config[‘blog_content’] = “excerpt_read_more”;

    add_action( ‘init’, ‘avia_change_image_size_array’, 1);


    Yes, now blog categories display as expected:



    Hi Josue,

    I appreciate the effort, but this still is not working. Yes the categories click through but the bread crumbs are still wrong, they still show “home”, then the category, when they should be showing “home”, then “blog”, then the “category” …right?

    Also since this update and added code, all the posts only appear as “read more” summaries and not the full post.

    Could you please take a look again?



    The read-more issue is now solved (modified child functions.php):

    Regarding the breadcrumbs, you needed to select the Blog page in the Theme Options, check it now:


    You sir are a good man and deserve a high five, hell if I could I’d buy you a beer!

    Tell Kriesi that you need a raise.

    Thanks for getting this solved.


    Thanks for the kind words, you are welcome :)


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