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  • #1398800

    Hi there,
    I don’t know what happened to my website, but I cannot reach it anymore. I cannot access to WordPress, I cannot login, … I talked to my host, and they mean that there is an endless loop and therefore it is impossible to come in. Could you help me? I don´t know if it has to be with a redirection of Enfold or not.
    Please help


    Hey bopartkunsttransporte,

    I can’t see any problems on my end, logging in to your site works as expected. Did you manage to find a solution?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard!
    I somehow managed to start my page defining it on config.php:

    If I delete it, it doesn’t work. If I use instead, it doesn’t work either. There is somewhere a loop which I haven’t found it.
    If I work with (the way it is now) the page is not correct: fonts are missing and some other mistakes appear, which weren’t there.
    Do you think you can help me find the loop??
    Thanks in advance


    Hi Arantza,

    Can you try to change the URL directly in the database?
    Try to follow the instructions in the codex:
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    thanks for your advice. This doesn’t change anything. I’ve lost the Fonts and some widgets (e.g. Footer) have lost the configuration.
    I’ve loaded Jura, but Enfold doesn’t recognize it anymore.
    Furthermore, I’ve noticed that a Typo static has also been loaded. But I didn’t do it. I don’t understand, where this comes from.

    I have removed Rank Math and some of my problems have disappeared. How can I now recover my fonts???
    Thanks a lot for your help


    Hi again,
    I also don’t really find my page. I don’t understand what’s happening to it.
    Tried with a dead link checker and none of the pages or can be found


    Thanks for the login, I found in the /enfold/functions.php there was a custom function added to the end with curly quotes instead of straight quotes, I corrected for you.
    I also found that you are gettings a CORS error because your font is called from to, so to correct I removed the font Jura from your Enfold Theme Options ▸ Import/Export ▸ Custom Font Manager and then added it back.
    Now the error is not showing and the font is, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Awesome! It seems to work.
    Thanks a lot for your help.



    Hi Arantza,

    I’m glad that Mike could help you :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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