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  • #433040


    I have created my website but now had a look at and liked what I saw. Is there anywhere a tutorial on how to set it up like this?


    Hi Martin!

    You can import the demo by going to Enfold–>Demo Import. The demo is called Startup Business Demo.

    Best regards,


    Wouldn’t that overwrite my current setup? I have already created a complete website which looks just like I want it to. All I want is the bloglayout in the demo.



    We could give you the code to use for that page but if your not importing the demo then all of the images and other settings are not going to work. It would be easier to just create the page using the advanced layout editor.

    That page uses these elements.

    1. Color section
    -> Has special heading inside, also has a background image and overlay set on the section options

    2. Grid row with 2 cells
    -> first cell is using the Masonry element
    -> second cell is using the widget area element

    3. Color section
    -> Has a contact form inside

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Elliott.
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