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  • #659680

    Hi Enfold Team,
    I’m having trouble setting my hyperlink color to be #1db597 in my bio box on blog posts. It only changes tot he correct color when I hover over it even though I’ve set it to always be that color. Also, is there any way to move my bio box to be below my sharing buttons? Thanks so much for your help! :]


    Additionally, can you please help me remove the border around the bio box? Much appreciated!



    I loaded the site and I can see the color to be correct.
    For removing the border please use

    .saboxplugin-wrap { border: none !important }

    Thanks a lot



    Thanks so much for your quick help Basilis! I disabled the plug in for now because the bio box was showing up next to the post images on the homepage under “Recent Blog Posts”. How can I remove that as well as move the bio box under the social share buttons on a specific post? I appreciate your help so much, thank you Basilis.




    Can you please disable the plugin once again and point out the changes you would like to make?
    You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,

    Thanks for your help. I’ve attached the link to the screenshots for you. I appreciate everything!




    I can’t find your Bio anywhere. Can you provide us a precise link please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    I hid it for now because it did not look good on my site the way it was. Please take a look at the pictures attached to see what I’m talking about. Thanks for your help!



    Would you mind providing a precise link to your site, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)

    Best regards,

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