I migrated to Nginx and I am sure there are problems because of the migration though I doubt nginx itself is the problem. I also updated to 3.0. In my shop, product images are huge and all containers look like they are 100% width instead of columned. You can see an example on any of the shop pages: https://www.virginiaseo.org/shop/basic-seo-package/
Hi Imburr!
This is what I’m seeing on my end:
Strange, looks like this to me: http://cl.ly/image/2f3Q1D0m0K23
Can you check from another browser? I have checked on 5 computers from 3 different IP addresses and check IE, Chrome and FF and it is showing as big for all of them. You might have caught a cached version from CloudFlare which is now disabled.
It does look fine on my end as well – http://i.imgur.com/sRpLoRb.png
Which browser and OS are you using?
EDIT: I have checked your website on Chrome, Firefox and Safari on OS X 10.9.4
Windows 8 Chrome: http://cl.ly/image/0M2G2C0I1Q36
Windows 8 FF: http://cl.ly/image/0L0I1X3v0110
Windows 8 IE: http://cl.ly/image/2k110S3G1t0G
Server 2008 Rs IE: http://cl.ly/image/1l1e1B0G0z29
As far as i know Ismael is using Windows 8. I asked him to take a look. Please kindly wait to hear from him
My blog layout is messing up too. Either the theme thinks my browsers are all a tabler user agent or the layout is borked. I checked the settings, and everything looks good- but my sidebars are pushed below. https://www.virginiaseo.org/blog/seo-tips-best-practices-2014/
Here are my settings: http://cl.ly/image/260s2J181O3N
I checked your website on Chrome / OS X – http://imgur.com/8uu6jVy
Also checked with this tool – http://imgur.com/GZj2nCX