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  • #1238824

    When writing a page or blogpost in the Avia layout builder, thousands of connections are generated. My web host is limiting me to 30 000 database connections and when I work on a post for a few hours, I generate thousands of requests, overwhelming the web & database host.

    Is there any way of reducing the amount of those requests?


    Hey elvirais,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Login in private box!

    I noticed it when there was a problem and I was reading the server logs. I was editing one page, several times saving and editing again, and I noticed thousands of connections from my ip adress, all related to building a page etc.


    Hi elvirais,

    Can you please make that account admin? We cannot see anything like this.

    Best regards,


    Ooh yes, my bad. It’s fixed now.


    Hi elvirais,

    Please test editing pages now and see if the issue is resolved.

    Best regards,


    I’ll test it on some safe days and get back to you here, thanks!



    Thanks for the update, we’ll keep this thread open for you.

    Best regards,

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