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  • #898098

    I’ve read the post below about having different logos for different pages.

    It seems to work OK but not if you are using transparent headers. How would I get the code to work with the transparent headers?

    Many Thanks

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by waveseven.

    Hey waveseven,

    I thought we have replied here ( maybe a double post ) but as I said, the code should work on any of the header styles, wouldnt be something that is not resonable to not to work like that.

    Best regards,


    well – he is talking about the alternate logo on subtext ( logo for transparent mode)

    he wants a different alternate logo on some pages


    Thanks for your replies,

    I have managed to work it out….

    If a logo is already set in Theme Options>Header>Transparency Options it seems to override any code you add to functions.php in your child theme. If you remove the logo set in “Transparancy logo” and use the following code it all works as expected:

    function av_change_logo($logo)
        if(is_page(array(3944,3948,3514,3532,3654.3899,3435,3603,3447,3506,3484) ))
        $logo = "";
        if(is_page(array(3686,3694,3696,3705,3707,3812,3891,3703,3699,3882,3819) ))
        $logo = "";
        return $logo;

    Many Thanks


    but it was an interesting question anyway .
    it must be possible to set up a pair of logos for a specific page.
    One for non transparent mode and one for transparency case.

    maybe via $addition ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.

    The filter ‘avf_header_setting_filter’ maybe helpfull.


    It would be interesting to know of any solutions via $addition or the filter ‘avf_header_setting_filter’
    I am not really a coder and found the code that I used above in a different post.



    Please use the following filter.

    function avf_header_setting_filter_mod($header)
        if( is_page('PAGE ID/NAME HERE') ){
            $header['header_replacement_logo'] = "IMAGE HERE";
        return $header; 

    Adjust the values as needed.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael

    Thanks for the info. This is very similar to the code I used to get it to work OK, which I posted above. Can the header filter be used for multiple pages?

    Many Thanks

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by waveseven.


    Yes, replace the if statement with an elseif statement.

    function avf_header_setting_filter_mod($header)
        if( is_page('PAGE ID/NAME HERE') ){
            $header['header_replacement_logo'] = "IMAGE HERE";
    	elseif (is_page('PAGE ID/NAME HERE')) {
    		$header['header_replacement_logo'] = "IMAGE HERE";
    	elseif (is_page('PAGE ID/NAME HERE')) {
    		$header['header_replacement_logo'] = "IMAGE HERE";
    	else {
    		$header['header_replacement_logo'] = "IMAGE HERE";
        return $header; 

    Best regards,


    The code above doesn’t seem to work for portfolio-item pages.

    Is there code that I can use for changing the logo on portfolio-item pages?

    Many Thanks


    It’s OK I have worked it out. If I add the following it works.

    if(is_single(array(4343, 4337, 4336, 4330, 4329, 4326, 4319, 4315, 4310, 4307, 4303, 4296, 4294, 4289, 4285, 4282, 4280, 4277, 4276, 44, 3857, 3617, 3919, 3925) ))
        $logo = "";

    You learn something every day !




    Great! Glad that you figured it out. Let us know if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,


    if these are all portfolio items you got on your page you can use this if clause:

    if(is_singular('portfolio')) { …



    Thanks for sharing @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,

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