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  • #659095

    Hi Guys,

    When do you suppose you’re going to get a correct fix to this ongoing issue with Enfold and the media uploader? It seems like a terrible workaround to have to deactivate the theme anytime I want to upload a slightly larger than usual image.

    Really ruins productivity.

    Second bug that needs reporting is the hyperlinking within the body text – it doesn’t work about 50% of the time or looks like its hyperlinking but doesnt actually link. It’s a REAL productivity killer.

    You guys seriously have the BEST theme wordpress has ever known, but can we please get these bugs sorted?

    Thank you!



    1. The error comes as an answer from the server when it can handle the image sizes the theme sets, you could workaround it by disabling some of them, refer to – https://kriesi.at/support/topic/upload-image-giving-http-error-theme-error/page/3/#post-618970

    2. Can you post a link to a page where that happens?

    Best regards,


    No, that’s definitely a theme issue. disabling the enfold theme and using the standard wp themes fixes it. seems to be a conflict.


    p.s. link not available – because its not a linked page, its an error message from wp. the error message is HTTP error (then the image doesnt upload via media editor)


    Here’s what happens:
    1. User uploads X image
    2. WordPress checks which image sizes the current active theme and plugins have set (Enfold sets a total of 12 image sizes).
    3. WordPress tells the server he wants to create a image version of each one of those sizes.
    4. Server can’t handle that load -> HTTP error appears.

    Disable some of the image sizes the theme sets.

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