wir erhalten nach dem Update 500er Fehler und sind trotz dem deaktivieren vieler Plugins noch zu keiner Lösung gekommen.
Aktuell laufen nur noch sehr populäre Plugins, die wir auch nicht abschalten können und die alle freigegeben sind für WP 4.5.3.
Der 500er Fehler erscheint nicht immer, sondern sporadisch.
Für kurzfristige Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar.
LG, Stefan
Hey Stefan,
What version of PHP are you running on the server which is hosting your site?
Dear Rikard,
PHP 5.6.21 with 256MB Memory.
BR, Stefan
PS: I did change it to 5.4 right now to see if this solve my problem.
Have you figured it out already? I see that website is not using Enfold anymore. If that is due to the error and you would need further assistance, please let us know so we can look into it
Best regards,
Sure, this is Enfold.
I did not have any errors after changing to php 5.4
Can you please check the errors with php 5.6.21
Oh, sorry, i could not recognize :)
I tried navigating and refreshing your pages but i did not get 500 error.
What is your memory limit?
Please try to increase the allocated memory to 256M: http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Increasing_memory_allocated_to_PHP
You can contact your service provider and they can do it for you.
Yigit, please read my mails .-)
PHP 5.6.21, 256MB memory: HTTP 500 errors
PHP 5.4, 256MB memory: no problems
= Problem is PHP 5.6.21
We checked the page but we don’t get the error. Is it currently set to 5.4? Do you find anything in the error logs?
Dear Ismael,
as i write in my last post, i did not have any error after i go back to PHP 5.4.
But i need a solution to solve the problems with PHP 5.6.21