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  • #550238

    hello, in enfold one can make his own html module/widget.
    i made this Latest News thing (Laatste Nieuws).
    in there are some links to other pages.

    how can i make those links? by adding html-code () by hand,
    or is there some way of browsing the link, maybe with the help of some kind of editor?


    Hey jelle!

    Can you please elaborate on the changes you would like to make?
    Latest News widget displays your blog posts.

    Best regards,


    hello yigit
    on all the pages but the homepage you can see the self-made html news module at the right,
    question is how to insert a url link.

    for example:
    Workshop België
    must be linked to the page behind it. but…how can i manage?



    On a normal Text / HTML Widget you’d need to manually write it as HTML:

    <a href='link'>Workshop België</a>

    Alternatively you could use a plugin like this:


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