Hi! I’m not able to show the hr line with the small circle in the middle as shown in the Enfold Demo Theme.
Someone can help me? Thank you!
Hey zanardelligolf!
Please add Horizontal Ruler element to your page then click on it to edit it and choose to display “Short Seperator” http://i.imgur.com/imRGvRf.jpg
Thank you! But it is very strange. I can edit all the content elements but not the horizintal ruler. No options for it.
Why in your opinion?
Edit option should appear once you hover over the element http://i.imgur.com/4ZOzdR6.jpg
Best regards,
I did but just for this element I have no options. It is very strange! I know very well Enfold theme and its options but no way with hr… :-(
Do you mind creating a temporary admin login so we can take a look?
I checked your website on Chrome, Firefox and IE on Win7 and i was able to edit Horizontal Ruler element. Which browser and OS are you using? Please see screenshot here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14975671/fine.JPG
I have create a private page called “Test” with Short Seperator horizontal element. Please try editing the element on another computer.
Best regards,
I have a MacBook Pro with latest OSX Version (10.9.1).
I use both updated version of Firefox and Safari.
No way… Thank you for your help!
It’s a mistery!
I got it! Thank you! I don’t know why but with Chrome works!