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  • #663437

    Hi :)
    I want to use 3 logos in header(left, right, center).
    So I found your previous answers about this issue and I tried it, but it doesn’t work.
    How can I solve this problem?
    Because i’m wordpress beginner, explain easily, please.
    Thank you! :D


    Hey freddiebae!

    You can refer to this post – and add a widget area to your header and place your logos using it. Or if logos will have the same link, you can upload on big logo containing all three logos? :)

    Best regards,


    i use this one here for two logos ( and it seems that there is no limitation to that on two)

    function first_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo first-logo"><a href="http://url1">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("http://path/wp-content/uploads/firstlogo.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'first_logo');	
    function second_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo second-logo bg-logo"><a href="http://url2" target="_blank">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("http://path/wp-content/uploads/secondlogo.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'second_logo');

    if second logo goes to a new Domain use the target rule to a new Site etc.

    and than some css is used to customise these logos:

    div .logo { float: none}
    .logo img {display: none}

    so the normal logo is not used but 2 new images in the header area.
    on two logos i let them float 1 to the left and the other to the right.

    on Three Logos the third logo has to be centered.

    But what do you want to do with those three logos on responsive case (small screens) etc.


    you can see it here in a test environment:

    on Small screens these two logos left and right goes to display none. But it might be possible to work with floating and let them go in a row under each other.

    A great advantage of this method is that you can use svg too (and not as a background image) like in the example above.
    And on that you can make some css gimmicks like color changing on hovering by f.e. in my case

    svg#bonn_logo:hover .st0,
    svg#bonnzeit_logo:hover .st0  {
        fill: #060;
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.


    Please refer to @Guenni007’s posts above as well :)

    thanks for your help! :)

    Best regards,


    ok – here we go:

    this to functions.php of your child-Theme:

    function first_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo first-logo"><a href="url1">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("/wp-content/uploads/logo1.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'first_logo');	
    function second_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo second-logo"><a href="url2">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("/wp-content/uploads/logo2.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'second_logo');
    function third_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo third-logo"><a href="url3" target="_blank">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("/wp-content/uploads/logo3.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'third_logo');

    you can use png/jpg as well!

    this to quick css ( you have to play with these values because it is dependent on your header givings and logo dimensions etc.)

    div .logo { float: none}
    .logo img {display: none}
    .html_header_top.html_logo_center .logo {
        left: inherit;
        transform: inherit;
    .logo.first-logo {
        float: left;
        width: 350px;
        z-index: 4
    .logo.second-logo {
        left: 50% !important;
        transform: translate(-50%) !important;
        z-index: 3;
    .logo.third-logo {
        width: 100%;
        z-index: 2
    .logo.second-logo a {
        width: 450px;
    .logo.third-logo a {
        float: right !important;
        width: 120px;
    .logo.first-logo a, .logo.second-logo a, .logo.third-logo a {
    display: inline-flex

    some settings here are only vor svg use (width of logo a f.e.)

    i decided to go the easy way to set on small screens that only the important logo is shown and the others are on display none


    hm sorry i only used svg so for png or jpgs you have to create the output in this way:

    function third_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo third-logo"><a href="url3" target="_blank">' ;
    $logo .= '<img src="/wp-content/uploads/logo3.png"/>';
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'third_logo');

    but than you have to set a new css rule to display that logo img because we have set all logo img to display none

    .logo.third-logo img {
        display: block;
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
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