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  • #679360
    Rajiv Joshi


    I am based in Graz, Austria, and considering buying a Kriesi theme for my first ever website. Can you recommend a good Hosting for WordPress that works well with your themes and has good support within Austria / Central Europe?

    I am tending towards the Enfold minimal portfolio theme, but in its current form it is too basic. I will need customization. The problem is, it is difficult to figure in advance how much tweaking is possible with your support. Also, I am new at all this, so am unsure if I can manage the customization by myself.

    Perhaps I should contact Codeable? Can they also setup the theme including with demo content in case I do not have all the content ready in the beginning?

    Rajiv, Austria


    Hi Rajiv!

    Thank you for contacting us!

    Customization depends on the changes you would like to make. We do not mind providing small customizations if they are not very difficult. If you can elaborate on the changes you would like to make, we can give you a better answer.

    We can install the theme for you for free if you decide to purchase Enfold.

    Regarding hosting, i asked my teammates if they have any recommendations. They will reply if they have any recommendations. I would personally recommend SiteGround.

    Let us know if you have any other questions!


    Rajiv Joshi

    Here are the some customizations I need within Enfold. I suspect most are not a problem as the elements are already integrated in one to the other demos.

    Full width Sticky Header that maintains its size while scrolling. (fixed header and not shrinking).
    A single featured picture (full width if possible) on Home-page and not a multiple images /slide-show.
    On the Header, when mouse hovers over Blog, a drop-down menu that shows the Blog categories.
    Link on Home-page for recent posts, as well as sticky-posts (a blog post that I may want to feature over a longer period)

    Possibility to have a page with Sound Clips, similar to Incarnation theme (Sermons page). This is to feature my own music compositions.
    Link from Home page to the latest posted Sound-Clip?
    About-page to include either link to Sound-cloud or Youtube? This is to showcase music from a featured musician, i.e. not myself)
    About-page in English and German. (all other pages and Blog posts will just be in English).

    Despite all this, I do not want to mess with the lightness and SEO-friendliness of the theme. Would I be better off buying Incarnation or another theme based on my needs, or will Enfold be fine..

    There are also some intricate details that I cannot list here, but I could send you a power-point to show these.
    Do let me know regarding Hosting if there is another recommendation besides Site-Ground.

    Rajiv, Graz, Austria



    All features you mentioned are possible on Enfold out of the box. Please post your mockup as well so we can comment on that too :)
    You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here.

    Best regards,

    Rajiv Joshi

    I have attached a link to my mockup slides over google photos. Hope this works.



    Please post a link here so we can comment :)


    Rajiv Joshi
    Rajiv Joshi

    Link is posted

    Rajiv Joshi

    Sorry, all mockup pictures posted in link here



    Yes, you can create this layout using Enfold :)


    Rajiv Joshi

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for confirming that my intended layout and other elements will be possible using Enfold.
    However, how tough is it for an absolute layman to setup Enfold in this manner, and add Sound-clips etc.? Can someone at Kriesi set it up for me for a fee, or will I be on my own? I am moderately skilled at using PCs and Macs for everyday use, but have had no exposure to short-codes, plug-ins, or setting up a website.
    Also, do you have a recommendation for a Host besides SiteGround?

    cheers & thanks,



    Enfold is very easy to use and i am pretty sure you will figure out almost (if not) everything.
    Enfold already has audio post type and you can use it to upload your sound clips to your website. An example can be seen here – You can also easily use SoundCloud shortcodes on your site and rest is simply editing your pages using Advanced Layout Builder and adjusting options in Enfold theme options.

    If you need any assistance, you can register to our support forum – and start new threads with your questions.
    We normally do not provide customization services however we do not mind helping with small customizations :)

    I asked my teammates however i guess they do not have any other recommendation other than at the moment.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Yigit.
    Rajiv Joshi

    Hi Yigit,

    So I went ahead and purchased the Enfold theme, including the 6 months extended support last week. I can gve you the purchase code from the License certificate from Envato market, if you need it.
    As promised, can you help by setting up the Enfold theme like my mock-up (see link below), so that I can go ahead and start filling it with content?

    thanks and regards,
    Rajiv Joshi



    Please register to our support forum – and start a new thread whenever you have a question or an issue. We cannot help you build the site from ground up. As i mentioned, those features are easily possible with Enfold, basically drag and drop feature and adjusting options on Advanced Layout Builder. Please check out this video tutorial – When you are stuck and need further assistance, please start a new thread and let us know so we can assist you.

    Best regards,


    Excuse me whilst I vent a bit. :-)
    After the pre-sales discussion above, I went ahead an bought Enfold along with the extended 6 months support. I am struggling with the learning curve for the last 48 hours… I was told during the pre-sales discussion that you would install the theme for me and help with small tweaks (see above). On the contrary it looks like I am expected to wade through tons of posts on your Enfold support forum to find my answers. Which is fine because I will learn eventually, but I was hoping to hit the ground running…

    I am registered, with the user name Ustadeus.
    I posted the following questions, and a helpful Participant responded that I should use CSS Hero. Does this mean that I have exhausted all the options within the theme itself for my tweaks? Does Kriesi endorse CSS Hero? I am asking because on their site, when I start the CSS Hero demo for Enfold, the theme pages take embarrassingly long to load. Being new to this, I do not want to mess with the lightness or SEO friendliness of my website…
    Thanks for your thoughts.
    My questions were:
    I purchased Enfold for my first ever website, and am learning the ropes. Please help!
    Link to my website and to my intended mockups are below.
    – How can I Reduce (minimize) height of the Text Block, Special heading or Image, so that there is no white space (or empty space) above and below? There is too much space in the Text box above and below the text. For an Image, even if I say “use content to define height”, there is still too much space above and below.
    – Can I increase spacing between the Menu links in the top Header?
    – I tried to insert an Image and define it as full width with px. (1500 x 50px). This did not work. How can I insert an image to fill the screen left to right, or do I always need to use Fullwidth Easy Slider for this?
    – How can I have a text caption that I can freely position on the image, and not just center left, right etc.?
    – Can I configure and change the text and color for the Titel bar under the header?
    – I tried to “Set a featured image” for the Front page, but nothing happens. Why is this?
    Rajiv, Austria



    Thank you for using Enfold

    We answered your inquiries here:

    And if possible, please create separate threads or posts for each inquiry. Thank you.


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