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  • #702075

    My site is
    I am trying to insert a special header on the background image of the color section.
    Since the special header does not display many options for positioning,
    what would be the best way to position the special heading exactly to my liking?

    Thank You



    Hi Oren,

    It depends on how you want to place it, could you try to explain a bit further and/or post a screenshot highlighting your intentions please?



    Hello Rikard,

    Attached is a screen capture of the welcome page of

    I would like to move the title down. I tried various padding options in the Special Heading (an Avia element) itself and in the quick CSS Such as { .av-special-heading h1 { padding-top: 280x!important; }

    But did not succeed. So I would like to generally know what is the best way to control the vertical positioning of the Special Header.

    I hope I was more clear this time

    All the best

    Special heading screen capture



    I tried to check on the link you’ve posted but it requires a password, kindly post the password in the “private section” when you reply, so we can inspect further. Also, I think the code above is wrong it should be:

    .av-special-heading h1 { padding-top: 280px !important; }

    Try using this code and let us know if it works or not.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko.
    Problem solved


    Hi Oren,

    Glad that we could help :)

    Best regards,

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