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  • #1259295


    I am trying to remove the link in the portfolio grid, which is contained inside the h2.portfolio-preview-title.entry-title (See Attached Image in the private content section)

    It appears after clicking on the lightbox, a clickable H2 title appears next to the picture.

    I tried searching and found a threat from 2014 but it does not seem relevant to this case, hence I am opening a new threat.

    So what is the quick-CSS code to remove the link?


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by NikoArq.

    Bump :)



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    h2.portfolio-preview-title.entry-title a {
      pointer-events: none;

    If that doesn’t work then please post a link to where we can see the actual element on your site.

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    Thanks, it worked!



    Hi Nikolai,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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