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  • #994140

    Hello, I am trying to NOT have double navigation on posts with your avia fullscreen sliders.
    I don’t know why this isn’t a standard thing on slideshows since it overlaps with the image navigation arrows.

    These posts should have post navigation:
    These posts with fullscreen sliders, should NOT have post navigation:

    Please advise.
    Thank you!


    Hey Michael,

    Thanks for the links, though I can’t see any post navigation on second link you posted. Did you manage to get it working already?

    Best regards,


    No, I had to hide it using CSS and page IDs for every post with category homes and buildings. It’s not ideal though since I have to add every new post I create to the CSS, so it’s not dynamic. I thought the post navigation was not supposed to show on the posts with fullscreen sliders?
    Please see here, should not have post nav: (hosted on WPengine)
    Then here, should have post nav:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Michael.

    isn’t it this the normal behavior (see line 526 of functions-enfold.php). the fullscreen-slider detection hampers the prev/next navigation.
    As far as i know it is on the contrary; you have to activate it explicitly to suppress the full-slider detection via functions.php of your child-theme.
    this code is to have the prev/next navigation allthough there is a full-slider

    So maybe you check if you got such an entry on your functions.php

    add_filter('avia_post_nav_settings','avia_remove_fullwidth_slider_check', 10, 1);
    function avia_remove_fullwidth_slider_check($settings)
    $settings['is_fullwidth'] = false;
    return $settings;

    Yes, but when I add this code, it still shows on the posts with fullscreen sliders, I don’t think it’s set as a “fullwidth”, it is the avia fullscreen slider component that is built in to the avia editor that I’m using.


    please read carefully : this code is to have side navigation allthough there is a full-width / full-screen slider.
    On default a fullwidth slider hampers that side navigation. So my thought on your topic is that there could be on your child-theme functions.php this code – and if you want no side-navigation you must erase/delete this entry.


    Thanks, but I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to do.
    What I want to do is only hide it on posts that have the FULLSCREEN SLIDERS on it, like NOT on here:
    I am using ALL default enfold code, it shows post nav on ALL posts regardless if there is a fullscreen slider or not, notice, i am NOT using “full WIDTH” sliders, I am using “full SCREEN” sliders. I do NOT have any code related to this added to my functions.php.

    For example: I DO want the post navigation on these pages:
    Which it does show by DEFAULT now. So that’s good. Thank you for your help!


    Hello admins, I am using your default FULLSCREEN sliders, NOT your FULLWIDTHSLIDERS.
    Please just post the code to HIDE the post navigation on posts that have a FULLSCREEN SLIDER on it. OR maybe code to hide post navigation on certain post categories.
    See these screenshots:
    thank you.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Michael.

    I could have sworn that this also applies to full-screen slider.
    To avoid overlapping here, that would also make sense. – but i think we can do it via the filter: avia_post_nav_settings too.

    you can see on enfold-functions.php:

    	function avia_post_nav($same_category = false, $taxonomy = 'category')
    		global $wp_version;
    	        $settings = array();
    	        $settings['same_category'] = $same_category;
    	        $settings['excluded_terms'] = '';
    			$settings['wpversion'] = $wp_version;
    		//dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap 
    		if((class_exists('avia_sc_layerslider') && !empty(avia_sc_layerslider::$slide_count)) || 
    			class_exists('avia_sc_slider_full') && !empty(avia_sc_slider_full::$slide_count) ) $settings['is_fullwidth'] = true;

    this should be the normal behavior too: //dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap


    Sorry but this is more or less for the developers :

    the more I think about the topic I come to the conclusion that Kriesi also confuses the nomenclature here.
    Fullscreen Slider has the class: avia_sc_slider_fullscreen
    the fullwidth Slider has the class: avia_sc_slider_full.
    Although it writes in the code ( dont display if a fullscreen slider ) clear fullscreen slider in functions.php above, the code only checks against avia_sc_slider_full

    and i definitly think that this is something which should be seen by Günter – because i believe it should be implemented too in the next update !
    It makes sense to also hamper sidenavigation on fullscreen sliders on default

    Something to the developers
    Edit: to my opinion on that code: avia_post_nav
    the code is not totaly correct with the brackets too in the if clause

    		//dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap 
    		if((class_exists('avia_sc_layerslider') && !empty(avia_sc_layerslider::$slide_count)) || 
    			class_exists('avia_sc_slider_full') && !empty(avia_sc_slider_full::$slide_count) ) $settings['is_fullwidth'] = true;

    as far as i understood the code the post-nav should also be displayed if only one slide is present – only if there are more than one slide the post-nav should be hampered.
    But it does not work even with original code on full-width sliders.

    this seems to be the right bracket story including fullscreen-slider check – but it does not work for count too:

    //dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap 
    	( class_exists('avia_sc_layerslider') 	&& !empty(avia_sc_layerslider::$slide_count) ) || 
    	( class_exists('avia_sc_slider_full') 		&& !empty(avia_sc_slider_full::$slide_count) ) || 
    	( class_exists('avia_sc_slider_fullscreen') && !empty(avia_sc_slider_fullscreen::$slide_count) ) 
    	) $settings['is_fullwidth'] = true;

    So my dear Dev Günter with the same first name – here you have to look over it.
    or does a single (full-width or full-screen) slide has a count too?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.


    Ask Gunter to take a look at the topic for us!

    Best regards,

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