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  • #810662

    Currently having < a > tags in our excerpts break the masonry layout for our blog posts.

    I’d like to just disable these tags so I don’t have to change all of our excerpts. What could I do to strip these tags from the excerpt? I tried copying the /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/helper-masonry.php file to our child theme and editing lines 310 & 423 to use strip_tags() but they don’t change the page at all. I even tried setting the content there to explicitly use “Test” as the excerpt but that still didn’t change the page.

    What do I need to do to strip < a > tags from our excerpts on display?

    EDIT —
    It looks like I edited in the correct place, but putting the file in the child theme is not override the file from the parent theme. any ideas there?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by CharlotteKCM.

    Hey CharlotteKCM,

    Please, may you provide to us some screenshot?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    There’s not much to screenshot right now, as I found the appropriate lines to edit to fix the problem. Right now what I need to find out is how I can override the parent theme’s /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/helper-masonry.php file with our child theme.

    When I put the custom helper-masonry.php file in our /child-theme/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/ directory it doesn’t override the parent file. What can I do to fix that?

    I can provide a screenshot of the display issue we were facing if you need it, but since I found the right edits to fix that I don’t think the screenshot will help with the current question.


    Perfect! Good to go!



    Great! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here –
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to post them here on the forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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