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  • #1356640

    Dear Team,
    I’m having a long time problem with the space after the separator, that is often too big, in the normal view and in the responsive phone view as well. I tried to put the margin at almost zero, but nothing works. Is there a special solution to apply in this case ? Below some examples. Thank you in advance for helping,
    Best regrds,


    Hey HulaSlim,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We cannot really see any issues with the separator element. The separator above the “ANIMER LE PATRIMOINE D’UN SOUFFLE DE VIE” heading for example is 70px tall as defined, but there is an extra space or gap after it because the special heading element itself has a 50px top margin by default.

    Would you mind providing a screenshot of the issue? You can use imgur, savvyify or dropbox for the screenshot. Thanks!

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Ismael,
    Actually I noticed that changing the paddle solves the problem. The settings are each time different in every title, which is something I don’t understand though. I have the impression I cannot control things with a simple setting everytime equal to the preceeding.
    Do you have an idea why ?


    Hi HulaSlim,

    I’m glad that you were able to solve the problem by adjusting the padding in the Sections.
    Although I’m not really sure what you meant by “The settings are each time different in every title, which is something I don’t understand though. I have the impression I cannot control things with a simple setting everytime equal to the preceeding” are you referring to the Color Section and Grid Row settings in changing the padding?

    Best regards,

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    Hi HulaSlim,

    Can you try adding this CSS code in Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      #top .avia-icon-list-container {
        margin-bottom: 0;
      #top .avia-icon-list > li:last-child {
        padding-bottom: 0;
      #top .av-special-heading {
        margin-top: 30px;
      .responsive #top .flex_column_table {
        margin-top: 0 !important;

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi HulaSlim,

    I could not login with the credentials, I’m not sure what you mean by middle-lines, I assume it’s white space but it does not work as well.

    Best regards,

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    Hi Natacha,

    The two out of three pages you provided returns a 404 page, please check.
    I do not seem to see the issue on my end.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Natacha,

    Please refer to these screenshots on how to set the order for your image/text pairs on mobile layouts, and try to set them accordingly on your own site:

    First setting:
    Second setting:

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the update. It looks like you haven’t made the necessary change in the Comportement de colonne en plein écran option. Please note that you have to make the selection in the first 1/2, in this case the 1/2 with the image left of the text that you referred to.

    Best regards,


    Dear Rikart,
    I didn’t really understood the explanation, but I re-edited this part again today by setting the part you’re talking about in “inversed” and now it works. The problem is solved.
    Thank you very much for your help,
    Best regards,


    I talked too soon. Actually what I did is to invert the order of text and image on the computer, not on the smartphone. If I re-establish the order on the computer, then it becomes impossible again to set it in reverse order (text first, image in second position) in the smartphone. The” Comportement de colonne en plein écran” is set on individual position, as for all other examples. But here, it doesn’t work.
    Thanks for checking again.



    Thanks for the update. I might be missing your point, but it seems to be working as it should on the page in private. Is that the page you are having problems on? If not, then please post a link directly to the page in question. If you have a screenshot highlighting the problem, then that might help us understand what you are referring to as well.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Maybe I wasn’t clear enough.
    Yes, this is the page. It looks ok on PC, the problem is on tablets and smartphones: In the series after the title “Notre parcours”, the third image showing the construction of a cathedral should come after the text “Comment construit-on une cathédrale”, not before.
    This picture doesn’t comply with settings, no matter what I try.



    It seems like you set the wrong order for a few of the items. I corrected that, and it’s displayed as picture first now, followed by text. Please review the page and settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Thank you very very much.
    Finally over.
    Best regards :-)


    Hi Natacha,

    We’re glad that Rikard could help you :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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