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  • #1315129

    My website is losing a lot of traffic lately, and Google Search Console say agg LCP is 5.0 seconds for mobile. (!) GT Metrics has the similar results. I haven’t changed my website much, so I don’t know how it deteriorated this much in the last couple of month. Can you diagnose my website? Thank you!

    I am not sure if this is related, but the images always trigger warnings with Google Search Console, and am wondering if something is going wrong with Avia Layout Builder. Maybe it’s not related, but just in case.


    Hey mfuji,

    This problem is likely not theme related, maybe you could try reaching out to your hosting provider to see if they can help you out further? What kind of warnings are you seeing in your Google search console?

    Best regards,


    I already talked with the hosting provider (Site Ground). They said it’s not their problem.

    Below is from Google PageSpeed Insights.

    Reduce initial server response time 1.06 s

    “Themes, plugins, and server specifications all contribute to server response time. Consider finding a more optimized theme, carefully selecting an optimization plugin, and/or upgrading your server.”

    “Themes contributes to server response time” That’s why I am asking you guys. I have 36 plug-ins and am in the process of minimizing it.

    On Search Console, till July 28 100% of my pages were “good” in terms of page experience. By Aug 6 only 5.5% were good. 2 days later it’s back to 75%. It’s a drastic drop. Not sure if it will recover, or will deteriorate again. I made no changes to my website except for adding some posts.
    Currently 406 pages have LCP issue: longer than 4s (mobile). For example, this one.

    It’s hard to understand because this page only has text. No images, nothing.

    Just trying to figure out if I need to change the theme from yours.
    Thank you!



    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure I understand what you need our help with though? Did you try out the different suggestions you get on Gtmetrics for example? Did you try out different caching solutions?

    Best regards,


    Oh no, I just realize that my reply to your last message wasn’t uploaded. Sorry!

    Anyway I have implemented multiple things, and my GT Metrix score improve to B. The only red flag is CLS (0.44s).

    I have been having issue with full slider using Avia Layout Builder, so I would like to fix it now in case if it’s affecting my CLS time.
    I use full slider at the top of the page very often.

    It load with no problem from desktop, but it doesn’t work if you access from a phone. I do not have a tablet so I don’t know how it works from tablets. But as far as smart phones, it just shows a blank rectangular space.

    How can I solve it? Please let me know!



    Thanks for the update. I checked the slider on the page you linked to on both mobile emulation in a regular browser, and on an actual Android device, but I can’t see any problems. The slider is visible using both mediums on my end. How can we reproduce the problem you are seeing on your end?

    Best regards,


    It’s been a blank rectangle from my Android, ever since I added AMP. I can attach my screenshot, but I couldn’t figure out how to attach a file to this thread. In the meantime, “These DOM elements contribute most to the CLS of the page” according to GT Metrix. Looks like many of them are related to Avia Builder. Is it possible that my slider problem is related them? Is there any way to improve?

    <section class=”av_textblock_section “> 0.17(s)

    <div class=”tg-grid-preloader”> 0.15(s)

    <div style=”height:75px” class=”hr hr-invisible avia-builder-el-2 el_after_av_one_full el_before_av_te…”> 0.05(s)

    <div class=”tg-item-image” style=”background-image: url(…”&gt; 0.04 (s)

    <div class=”tg-item-image” style=”background-image: url(…”&gt;



    Thanks for the update. You can upload screenshots to a service like Google Drive or Dropbox, then link to them here.

    About load times; all content on your site contributes to the overall load time, we can’t make your content load instantly unfortunately. If you run the tests more than once, you will likely see different times in the examples you gave as well.

    Best regards,


    Again, for some reason I didn’t get the notification for your reply. Sorry for the late reply.
    In the meantime, I updated the theme to ver 5.8.1, and the situation got worse using Avia Layout Builder.
    1) the full slider is no longer loading on desktop computer using “full widths easy slider.”
    2) the pictures using “gallery” aren’t loading properly. Under animation, you have an option to load upon page load or scroll. I use upon page load usually, but they no longer load upon page load.

    Both were working perfect at least from desktop computer.

    The full slider problem looks exactly the same for mobile devices.



    Thanks for the update. Are you running the SG Optimiser plugin on your site? If so, then please try turning off file compression under Enfold->Performance, to see if that helps. If not, then please include admin WordPress login details in private, so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    I disabled CSS file merging and compression and Javascript file merging and compression and it worked.

    Did I do it right (disabling both)?

    Thank you!



    Yes, disabling both of those should work. When file compression is active in the theme, it creates a problem with the SG Optimiser. You should be able to add the same functionality in the actual plugin though.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the update. I can’t reproduce the slider problem on my end, it’s showing up as it should on my end on mobile on the page in private. Could you try loading the page in a private or incognito browser window please?

    About the loading of files; those files should all be combined into one files if file compression is active in the theme. If you don’t want, or cannot use that functionality, then you would have to activate similar functionality in your caching or minification plugin.

    We don’t offer paid speed optimisation services, but I know there are plenty of services like that online.

    Best regards,


    OK thanks. I had to disable those in order to show full slider, but I will keep playing SG optimizer. You can close this case now.



    Thanks for the update, I’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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