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  • #1408859


    I need help with manifest.json file. Since I’m using the Enfold theme, I think you guys can help me with placing the file in the right order and creating the links in subcategories.

    So, how do I do? I have installed a manifest file through an addon to avoid uploading my own. help me find the file and place it under…
    You can also tell me how to put a link “<link rel=”manifest” href=”manifest.json”/>” in the subcategory pages’ codes.
    Thanks for all the help


    Hey Gagik,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    To add a manifest.json file to a WordPress site, you can follow these steps:

    1.) If you haven’t created a manifest.json file, open your text editor, create a new file and name it manifest.json. This file will contain the necessary configuration and settings for your web app.

    2.) Define the content of manifest.json: Inside the manifest.json file, define the JSON structure according to your requirements. For example, a basic manifest.json file may contain the following content:

      "name": "Your App Name",
      "short_name": "Short Name",
      "start_url": "/",
      "display": "standalone",
      "background_color": "#ffffff",
      "theme_color": "#000000",
      "icons": [
          "src": "/path/to/icon.png",
          "sizes": "192x192",
          "type": "image/png"

    Make sure to adjust the values according to your app’s details, such as the name, short name, start URL, colors, and icon path.

    3.) Upload the manifest.json file: Log in to your WordPress admin area, go to the Media Library, and upload the manifest.json file as you would upload any other media file. Alternatively, you can use an FTP client to upload the file to the root directory of your WordPress installation.

    4.) Modify the theme header file: Open the theme’s header file (header.php) using a text editor. Locate the section within the file, and add the following code within it:

     	<link rel="manifest" href="/path/to/manifest.json">

    Replace /path/to/manifest.json with the actual path to your manifest.json file, relative to the root directory of your WordPress installation. You can also place the manifest.json file in the child theme directory, and use the following hook to register it.

     add_action( 'wp_head', 'ava_manifest_link' );
      function ava_manifest_link() {   
    		  echo ' 	<link rel="manifest" href="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/manifest.json">';

    5.) Save and update changes: Save the modified header.php or functions.php file and update it on your WordPress site.

    Once these steps are completed, the manifest.json file will be successfully added to your WordPress site, enabling features such as Progressive Web App (PWA) functionality.

    Best regards,

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