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  • #507536

    Hey guys,

    I’d like to embed a video with a placeholder image. The video is hosted on my Amzon S3 account.
    While I know that if I embed the code from YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, etc, it will automatically show the placeholder image, on Amazon S3 it shows nothing.

    I’m using the ‘Video’ widget from within the Advanced Layout Builder, then I paste the url of the AS3 video.

    You can view the sample here:

    How can I solve this?

    Besides, I also want to allow comments on the page. I added the ‘comments’ widget at the bottom but it doesn’t show up.
    FYI I’m using Disqus and it works seamlessly within each blogpost on a different site I have using Enfold.

    Thank you!


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by abortolotti.

    PS: Meanwhile I replaced the AS3 video with the same hosted on Wistia, so the placeholder is there.
    Would love to know how to solve the issue above though, thanks



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Can you please provide a link to the actual video? We would like to test it on our installation. Have you tried the image element? However, it will open the video on a lightbox.



    Hi Ismael!

    Thank you for your response.

    Here is the link to the actual video (AS3):

    [video src="" /]

    I tried the image element like you said but removed it because of the lightbox instead of the video embed.




    Try to use the video tag in a code block. Something like this:

    <video controls poster="IMAGE URL HERE">
      <source src="" type="video/mp4">
      Your browser does not support the video tag.

    Add the image url in the poster attribute.



    Great Thanks! I’ll try and let you know :)



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