Tagged: link, navigation
Is there an easy theme option to make the top level menu item not a link, showing only dropdown when mouse over, but still grouping child pages under a group? This is to show page of the same sub level on the side bar.
Hi silverhema,
You can add the menu item as a custom menu item and then set a # symbol for the URL.
Thanks Devin. I too need to have a top level navigation be an inactive link. In other words, cannot be clicked.
Using your recommendation from above I load a blank page in a new tab ( in chrome). Any other ideas anyone?
This is not possible at the moment and I’ll mark this for Kriesi (feature request). You can only remove the link from “Meqa Menu” columns which are not main menu items but menu items on the second level (you just need to insert a dash ( – ) into the “Mega Menu Column Title” field).
Hi brahim_daghl – I wanted to thank you for your post in my support ticket area. It is closed and I couldn’t reply, but wanted to let you know that you did indeed figure it out and works like a charm. Thanks again for posting your solution, it is really appreciated.