Unfortunately, I can’t find out on my own.
I want to move an existing website to enfold theme. In the old theme, the header logo
is adapted to the browser window and is fully responsive. I can’t do that with enfold. Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thanks in advance
Hey rehgold,
Could you link to an example so that we can see what you are looking to achieve please?
Best regards,
Thanks for that. I’m still not sure that I fully understand your intentions though, since the site you linked to has a background image on desktop resolutions, and only a text link on lower resolutions. Are you looking to set a background image to the header? If so, then that can be set under Enfold->General Styling->Logo Area.
Best regards,
Hi Rikard.
The idea is to put this image https://artelt.inburlozuhause.de/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Header_Logo_1.png as a background or Logo like on this Web page https://artelt-beratung.de. you can see it there fullresponsive it scales with the browser size.
If i put it as a background image, it will be cut because it is to wide,
I use the image as a logo it is to small.
We set the image as the background in the Enfold > General Styling > Logo Area panel and adjusted the header height in Header > Header Layout > Header Size to a custom pixel value. We then added this css code to adjust the background image height and hide the default logo.
.header_color .header_bg {
background: var(--enfold-header-color-background-image);
background-size: auto 240px;
.logo img, .logo svg {
display: none !important;
Best regards,
Hi Ismael
Thank you very much for your efforts. I’ll see how I get on with it.
thankes a lot
Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.
Best regards,
Hi Rikard
Sure you can close this case.