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  • #408653

    Hey folks – I’m using the Avia layout builder and whenever I hit enter to make extra spaces between headings and text – the spaces disappear. Is there a way to make the text module honour these? I know I can use the whitespace shortcode but my client is a little overwhelmed by having to use a shortcode for this.


    Hey ShortieD!

    Are you trying to make spaces or line breaks? Hitting the spacebar will make spaces and hitting enter will create line breaks.

    If your adding it inside a heading element though then try typing out <br /> to do a line break.



    Hi Elliot – I’m hitting hard return, as you normally would – no not the space bar.

    Any clues?




    Go ahead and send us a link to your page and take a screenshot highlighting the section your trying to change and we’ll take a look.


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    Try using a codeblock element instead. You can wrap your text with <p></p> tags and they will automatically create some space. To create some more space you can do this %nbsp; for a single space or <br /> for a line break.



    Hey Eilliot – this if for a client site – I don’t want them dragging a code block just so they can add text – and I certainly don’t want them adding html of – %nbsp – this doesn’t make sense to them and is messy for user experiences.

    The hard returns work when I don’t use the avia layout builder. So it’s just the text block function in the avia layout builder that doesn’t honour hard returns. Is there a way to fix this? i’ve actually noticed it for some earlier sites too so it really should be something that’s fixed.

    any clues would be greatly appreciated.



    I see what you mean but unfortunately that’s a limitation of the Text Block element, it strips any empty paragraphs (WP creates these when you do a hard return) after clicking the Save button in the popup window.

    The best workaround right now would be to use a whitespace shortcode which can be generated using the magic wand button – (i’ve done this on that page). If this is not ‘user friendly’ enough, alternatively you could also split the text into two Text Elements.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Josue.
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