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  • #224425

    I would like to build a single page site. What is the best way to make the links in the header simply scroll the page down to the appropriate section.

    i.e. I would like it so that when I click the “contact” link in the header, it scrolls the down to the bottom of the page where I have a contact form.


    I’ve found the answer.

    Step 1:
    Create anchors by following the instructions here:

    Step 2:
    Create a new menu. Dashboard->Appearance->Menus. Name it “Single Page Nav Menu” or whatever.
    Select “Enfold Main Menu” so that it overrides the default menu.
    Assign the links as http:// <sitename> .com/<#anchor> matching the anchors from step 1.

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by oehrlein49. Reason: Messed up the html link somehow because of the auto-markup in this forum
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