Tagged: alignment, entypo, fixed width, icons
Some of the built-in Entypo icons in Enfold are different widths, so when doing a list of text with icons to the left, the text isn’t aligned. In doing some research online, I found that other icon sets like Font Awesome have fixed width versions and there are also some people who say that using a custom Fontello version with the latest Entypo icons solved the problem. Others have forced the icons to be something like 1.5em wide and then centering them, but after trying a handful of things, nothing is working for me.
So how can I best align the icons?
Screenshot for reference:
*I’m attaching a private link to a test page.
Hey r2tall!
Add this to a codeblock element in the page.
<style type = "text/css">
span.av-icon-char {
width: 30px !important;
display: block;
Best regards,