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  • #270414

    Hi there – I’ve added a fullwidth masonry portolfio to the home page of my dev site here

    You’ll notice that at some viewport widths the images line up but there is a space after them – and sometimes they line up well.

    Is there a way to make sure this gap disappears (see screenshot) (screenshot showing gap) (showing at a wider width where it’s fine)

    Do I need to make the featured images a larger dimension? all these image dimensions are 700 x 600px.



    Hi ShortieD!

    You should add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab and adjust for each brakepoints using media queries

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) {
    .av-masonry-entry { width: 30%; }}



    okay thanks


    I tried to add that code in my child theme’s css but I just got a gap on the right side – see here

    I tried adding margin: auto but didn’t help

    this is my code

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) {
    .av-masonry-entry {
    width: 30%;
    margin: auto;

    any clues?



    Because of how the masonry script works there will be points at which the whitespace will appear. There isn’t anything we can do about it at the moment unfortunately.



    hi Devin – a shame – I thought the theme was responsive – would changing the image dimensions work?



    You can try adjusting the code i posted here –
    to change sizes on different screensizes. But as Devin mentioned, there is not much we can do as it is the way it works

    Best regards,

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