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  • #986076

    I tried following instructions here but I cannot understand the way Victoria suggested to insert an html widget into the socket. Via Shortcode a widget area?

    I solved my problem inserting 2 div, the first with copyright aligned to the left and the 2nd with the tag img src=. You can see here
    But I’m interested to discover Victoria’s solution.


    Hey Nicola,

    Where did you put your divs? In the files directly? Can you explain a bit more if you want my input?

    Anyways, glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I put the div into the Copyright area of Footer panel (Enfold child theme).
    This code:
    <div align="left">Wedding Planners in Tuscany by Luccaorganizza Viale Agostino Marti, 415 - 55100, Lucca. Email: <a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) "> (Email address hidden if logged out) </a> <br />Phone +39 0583 952440 Mobile +39 328 2930862 - P.IVA 01616520464.</div><div class="rmw" align="right"><img src="" height="120" width="120"></div>

    Then I create a CSS class “rmw” in quick css to assign margin top negative.

    What I need was was your suggestion to add an image in the Socket area with a widget. Can you explain me more?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by niguli.

    by the way – you can style a text-block as you like it and insert that shortcode to that copyright input field like:

    [av_textblock]<img class="alignright size-full" src="" width="120" height="120" />Wedding Planners in Tuscany by Luccaorganizza Viale Agostino Marti,
    415 - 55100, Lucca. Email:  (Email address hidden if logged out) 
    Phone +39 0583 952440 • Mobile +39 328 2930862 • P.IVA 01616520464.[/av_textblock]

    Hi Guenni007, I did this way yesterday: I created a shorcode for a widget area (instead of a textblock) and added it to the copywright input field, but i did not show anything …. don’t know why….


    did you try that code above by copy / paste ?

    the advantage is that the image floats to the text.


    it worked, thank you very much for your help.
    Probably I had wp super cached the website and could not see any modifications.

    I’m still interested in Victoria’s solution.


    Hi niguli,

    Widgets will not go in that area, so another solution is editing the files. So great that it is working for you that simple :)

    Best regards,


    editing the files means having a child-theme footer.php and maybe insert your own hook

    f.e. after the <?php on line 162 of footer.php
    do_action( 'ava_in_socket' );



    Thanks for sharing that @guenni007, did you try that solution @niguli?

    Best regards,

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