Hi. Apologies, ssl certificate error has been fixed.
I believe that I have it sorted out now, I placed this function in your child theme functions.php:
function custom_not_script(){
(function ($) {
$(window).load(function() {
if ($("body").hasClass("woocommerce-account") || $("body").hasClass("single-product")) {
else {
add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_not_script');
this will hide the countdown and time left unless it’s the account page or the product page
please clear your browser cache and check.
Best regards,
Thanks Mike for great support, it does look a lot better now. This space where timer use to be and now is hidden( in picture marked with yellow) can it be reduced/removed pls.
Add this to quick css:
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Hi! Im afraid this above given quick css does removes that empty space.
Thanks for the update.
Are you referring to the “Winning” badge? You can use the following css code to adjust its position.
span.winning {
top: -50px;
Best regards,
Hi Ismael. No its just that space is too wide between where is written current bid and location of bid now button. Pls check link in private where i marked with red X this space im referring to.