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  • #1297395

    How can i increase the dots in a tab section?



    Any Suggestion?



    Could you post a link to where we can see the element in question please?

    Best regards,


    for the slider …

    .avia-slideshow-dots a {
      height: 25px;
      width: 25px;
      border-radius: 50%;
      margin: 0 5px;
      padding: 5px;

    for the tab section:

    #top .av-tab-section-icon:before {
        font-size: 90px !important; 

    Da muss was mit deiner Seite nicht gänzlich in Ordnung sein.

    Ich bekomme keine reproduzierbaren Seitendarstellungen hin.
    Soll bedeuten: Wenn ich in den Browsercache komplett lösche z.B. mittels Tastenkombination in Firefox:

    • «ctrl + shift + r» (Windows)
    • «command + shift + r» (Mac)

    dann sieht es mal so auch – mal anders. ( halbe bilder im slider oder in der erwähnten tab-section ; logo mal ganz links dann wieder nicht etc. pp )
    Da musst du mal nachforschen woran das liegen könnte.


    There must be something wrong with your page.

    I can’t get a reproducible page display.
    This should mean: If I delete the browser cache completely, e.g. using the key combination in Firefox:

    • “ctrl + shift + r” (Windows)
    • “command + shift + r” (Mac)

    then it looks sometimes like this – sometimes different. ( half images in the slider or in the mentioned tab-section ; logo sometimes all the way to the left then again not etc. pp )
    You’ll have to investigate what that could be.


    by the way – i posted here:
    an updated version vor those arrows left/right.
    It will loop – if the last slide is reached – the next click will go to the first slide

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