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  • #1068814

    Hi Kriesi,

    I am aware of my odd request but I can’t find the answer to what I am looking for. Yet the question is really not that hard I believe. And since Enfold is the software I use most (and know of the knowledge in this forum) I thought I’d post it here. If this post is inappropriate, I apologise.

    If I have a textblock, how would I get the text to become a square? The text itself does not stretch but the words get divided per string as where the spaces between the words get streched. Here is a link to an image that does so:

    Thanks for helping me out.


    Hey Aerdvark,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Sorry for my delayed response, see the link below in private.

    If I have a textblock, how would I get the text to become a square? The text itself does not stretch but the words get divided per string as where the spaces between the words get streched.

    In this image you can see a piece of text wich is styled the way I want:


    give to that textblock a custom class ( f.e. just ) and add this to quick css:

    .just { text-align: justify  }

    but sometimes it might be a good idea to have a better hyphenation algorithm. In this case i do use that plugin: hyphenator
    it adds so-called “soft-hyphens” to the words so that they can spell-wrap correctly according to the respective language.

    You can see here a result of that effect on small columns – left only with justify content – right side with justify and hyphenator

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.

    Thanks Guenni007,

    This is what I am looking for! Have you got any idea how this way of text styling is called?
    I want to read more about it and explore if there are more plugins that would help to accomplish this.
    The link you have sent me is not updated recently so I don’t know if it would be wise to go with that one.


    Yes in German it is Blocksatz and in english spoken regions this is called justification.
    But see link above to see hyphenator effect.
    The hyphenator fields the algorithm known from OpenOffice and LaTeX. And that was under my opinion one of the best hyphenation allgorithm


    Thanks again, with this info I have managed to find some extra info like here: wich is a bad translation from some language to Dutch (my language). I found this also:…0.0..0.169.1436.15j2……0….1..gws-wiz…..0..35i39j0i131j0j0i3j0i10j0i10i30j0i30j0i10i203j0i13j0i13i10j0i13i10i30j0i13i30j0i10i19j0i13i10i30i19j0i22i30i19j0i13i5i30j0i8i13i10i30j0i8i13i30.cNPCOB6qZzA So there is enough to explore…

    Blocksatz… wer hätte den sowas gedacht? Danke nochmals!



    Glad you found a workaround. Let us know should you need any further help or we can go ahead and close this ticket.

    Best regards,

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