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  • #738978


    I have created a layer slider that only looks good on mobile if you view with phone landscape. Is there a way I can force it or fix the image so that it is always landscape when viewed on mobile?

    I have posted link below




    Hey FayeMcC,

    I’m not sure I understand that you mean by that, if you turn the phone it won’t be landscape anymore and that would require a different layout?

    Best regards,


    if you turn your phone from portrait to landscape – the layerslider stays landscape (it is only adapted to smaller screenwidth) isn’t it?
    All my advanced layersliders behave like that!

    by the way – i do not see the link because i’m a participant too. But learning from other sites is allways a nice and easy way to learn.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Guenni007.


    I can’t see any layerslider on the link you’ve provided. Please provide us a precise one, as we need to inspect the elements in question. You can use media queries inside Custom CSS of your layerslider to make your images behave as you want on specific screen sizes. For more information about media queries check:

    Best regards,


    Problem fixed – thanks

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