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  • #947552

    i am getting this error

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/stageidg/public_html/carshowcalendars/wp-content/themes/carshowcalendar-child/header.php:30) in /home/stageidg/public_html/carshowcalendars/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1216

    I tried to look into that page to see if maybe there is am extra space or something that shouldn’t be in the theme file. I have supplied the user/pass for wordpress


    Hey Jason!

    Please try re-updating the theme via FTP and overwrite all files –

    Best regards,


    What’s up, Yigit? jgax87?

    Hey, just so you both are aware, I was having this same issue, and found this SUPER EASY solution on another thread.

    Here’s the full article explaining how to do it, but it is so easy it’s ridiculous, so I thought if I could save jgax87 or anyone else the chore of re-updating everything, that would be awesome.

    Basically, all you do is go into wp-config in your child theme folder, then delete the extra lines you left in there (I had left an extra line after ?> when I was removing the avia debug editor script, once I was done with it).

    Definitely worth a try if you’ve got this issue. Enfold rocks! Thanks so much!


    Hi willmfraz,

    Thanks for sharing your solution, much appreciated :-)

    Best regards,

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