i added a blog article element to a page.
I would like to have a filter function above the article, so that i can filter the entries after categories.
I saw that function in the portfolio demo in the portefolio raster. Is it possible to have this in the blog article element too?
Kind regards
Hey Jak73,
Well, sort options are available in the portfolio grid and masonry, but masonry that uses posts or portfolios not just images.
You can add the masonry element to the blog post and assign elements to be shown in the masonry.
Best regards,
Hi Victoria,
thanks for your fast reply!
Is it possible to set category filters for my articles in the mansonry gallery?
kind regards
Hi Jak73,
In the masonry element yes, not the masonry gallery.
You might want to look for a gallery plugin that has that option, like Envira for example.
Best regards,