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  • #714395

    How can I change text in the email form. Like the text ‘required’ and the text when message has been send.


    Hey Els!

    You can use a plugin like Loco Translate and open the Enfold Language file, and rename the fields the way you want.
    DO let us know if we can do anything else.



    Thanks. This plugin is helpfull. Unfortunately not for the ‘problem’ which I try to fix. I don’t like the text after name (required). I would prefer te see *.
    This is what I would like. In Dutch it’s translated into ‘verplicht’ which is realy terrible! That is more like a mandatory. Not very friendly.
    Do you have a suggestion how I can change this?


    I’ve solved the problem in another way.So case is cloes. Though I would have like tu use de Google Recaptcha…



    Glad that you fixed it.

    Best regards,

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