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  • #1414924

    Hi Support team,
    I want to display 2 menu in hamburger section. by default only Main menu is display there. but I want to display secondary menu too. can you please tell me the filename where i edit the menu. and please describe the main menu and secondary menu id too. here is the menu demo i want in reference site when you click burger menu. there display 2 menu side by side. one is main menu another one is secondary menu. by default secondary menu display header top bar. but i want to display it inside burger menu along with main menu side by side. please help me to achieve this

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by buket12.

    there is no such option in enfold by default. Yes – that page is an enfold page – but there might be custom script combining overlay main menu with footer menu.


    use your footer menu for that. If you do not like to show that menu – set it to display: none. via quick css.
    it goes without saying that the hamburger menu must be set to full page overlay!

    this snippet goes to child-theme functions.php:

    function footer_menu_to_hamburger_menu(){
      $('#header').one('click', '.av-main-nav-wrap', function() {
        var isMobile          = $('.av-burger-overlay').css('display'),
            footerMenu        = $('#avia3-menu'),
            mobileMenu        = $('#av-burger-menu-ul'),
            footerMenuClone   = $('#avia3-menu').clone(true).addClass('second-burger-menu').css('display', 'block');
        if( footerMenu.length ){
    add_action('wp_footer', 'footer_menu_to_hamburger_menu');

    this to your quick css:

    #socket .sub_menu_socket {
      display: none
    #top .av-burger-overlay-inner {
    	display: inline-table;
    	top: 0 !important;
    .html_burger_menu_active #header .avia-menu .av-burger-overlay .menu-item {
      display: block !important;
    #top .av-burger-overlay #av-burger-menu-ul {
      display: table-cell;
      vertical-align: middle !important;
      width: 50vw;
      padding: 0px 5vw !important;
      text-align: right !important;
      text-transform: uppercase;
      border-right: 1px dashed #999;  /**** a separator if you like ***/
    #top .av-burger-overlay .second-burger-menu {
      display: table-cell !important;
      width: 50% !important;
      height: 100%;
      left: 50vw !important;
      padding: 0px 5vw;
      vertical-align: middle !important;
      text-align: left;
      text-transform: uppercase;
      z-index: 115;
    .html_burger_menu_active #header .avia-menu .av-burger-overlay .second-burger-menu .menu-item {
      font-size: 24px;
      line-height: 2.7em;
      padding: 0.3em 0;
    .html_burger_menu_active #header .avia-menu .av-burger-overlay .menu-item a {
      color: #FFF !important;
    .html_burger_menu_active #header .avia-menu .av-burger-overlay .menu-item a:hover {
       opacity: 0.7;
    .html_burger_menu_active #header .avia-menu .av-burger-overlay-inner .avia-menu-fx {
      display: none;
    #top .av-burger-overlay-bg {
      background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/background.jpg);
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-size: cover;
      opacity: 1;
      filter: brightness(0.1);


    PS: the behavior of shifting the content left side was the setting before testing your requested hamburger option – it is part of non-fullpage overlay that hamburger pushes the content side


    Hi Guenni007,
    Thanks a lot for helping hand. I am on parent theme not developing a child theme. however I paste the code in Enfold functions.php file and also add the css styel. but I didn’t find any new menu in burger menu field. only main menu is showed there. but now its showing right side.


    this is based on footer menu – so if you haven’t activated the footer menu – there will be no effect!


    Hi Guenni007,
    just I activate that footer menu but its not working too. I am not using child theme. I am working on parent ‘Enfold’ theme. is this code working on parent theme too?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by buket12.

    where do you load your jQuery script?
    See on enfold options: Enfold – Performance – “Load jQuery In Your Footer” ?
    if you load it in the footer we had to set a priority that the script is loaded after jQuery
    in this case replace the last line :

    add_action('wp_footer', 'footer_menu_to_hamburger_menu');


    add_action('wp_footer', 'footer_menu_to_hamburger_menu, 999');

    thank you so much Guenni007. previous code working fine.
    I am using external footer customization plugin thats why its not worked. Now i deactivate that and code working fine.
    thanks a lot.


    you are welcome



    We’re happy that @guenni007 could help. Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Thanks for your help as always :)

    Best regards,

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