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  • #1233957

    I have added a custom post type “Press Articles” using the Custom Post Types plugin.

    I have the post type visible in my admin menu, I am able to create posts of this type and, thanks to your previous help, launch the ALB for this post type.

    I want to add a Magazine element to a page that will display the most recent press articles but when I select the Magazine element in the builder, my custom post type is not offered as a source for the Magazine.

    Reading your documentation on this element, it implies that any CPT registered with WordPress can be displayed via this element.

    So I’m not sure why I am not being offered Press Articles in the list of sources. I have tried using other elements e.g. Portfolio, Blog posts but none of them offer the CPT as a source.


    Hey sylvia5113,

    We apologize for the delayed response.
    You’ll need to add a Custom Taxonomy to the Press Articles post type.
    Once you have done that, you can edit the magazine element’s Which Entries? and set to the Custom Taxonomy and you can select the taxonomies under the Press Articles that you want to show.
    Hope that helps :)

    Best regards,

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