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  • #351876


    I try to customize Events Calendar 3.8.1 (free version) with Enfold 3.0.2.
    Unfortunatly, the keywords search functionality seems to run only for the current displayed period. (In other words, it runs like a filter functionality more than a real search one).
    As an example :
    – The display view is “Month” and the current month is march 2015. I search events with the keyword “Concert”. The search will only return events that contain this word and that occurre during march 2015.
    – The display is “Day” and the current date is 25 march 2015. I search events with the keyword “Concert”. The search will only return events that contain this word and that occure on the 25 march 2015.

    This behaviour is probably useful for websites that deal with lot of events but my website is a small one : there are very few events a year. Then filtering events of the current displayed period is completly useless!

    Please, could you help me to disable the events search bar?
    (Refering to the .po file, I suppose this option exists, but probably only for the Pro plugin version. I havn’t found it in the Free one…)

    Thank you for your help.


    hi mareva,
    I think you try it : All in One Event Calendar by
    free version more easy and open a lot of functions.
    I’m using free version in a WPML multilingual site.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Akurgal.

    Ok thank you for the advice. I’ll try it right now.
    (In fact, I’ve red details about this plugin before, but I didn’t choose it because I thought it was not responsive. Nevermind, I’ll try).




    please try and let us know!

    Thanks! :)


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