Hi guys
I need to create a single page (for landing page) in an existing website, with the logo in the middle, no menu, no burger menu, no header meta menu.
I added in rapid css:
1) .page-id-1625 .main_menu {display: none; } – it works
2) .page-id-1625. Av-burger-menu-main {display: none; } it does not works
3) .page-id-1625 #header_meta {display: none; } it works, but it creates a space under the header (of the same height as the header-meta)
Can you help me
Hey macagima,
1. Glad it works!
@media only screen and (max-width: 767) {
#top.page-id-1625 #header .av-burger-menu-main {
display: none!important;
3. Adjust the margin-top value
#top #main {
margin-top: -140px;
If this does not help please provide a precise link to the page, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)
Best regards,
3) you can set the top bar via functions.php of child theme:
add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter', 'avf_header_setting_filter_mod', 9999, 1);
function avf_header_setting_filter_mod($header) {
$header['header_topbar'] = '';
return $header;
a display none is not displayed but allthough it is in the source-code