I was wondering if I could get some help for disabling the lightbox feature on a certain page. I’m using a child theme and tried adding this line in which was from a previous forum:
exclude : ‘.page-id-1549 a, .page-id-1549, .noLightbox, .noLightbox a, .fakeLightbox, .lightbox-added, a[href*=”dropbox.com”]’,
but this didn’t do the trick. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hey Vibedration,
Thank you for using Enfold.
You can add this in the Quick CSS field:
.page-id-1549 .lightbox-added {
pointer-events: none;
Or this code in the functions.php file:
// on wp initialization
add_action('init', 'ava_action_init', 50);
function ava_action_init() {
global $avia;
if( is_page(1549) ) $avia->options['avia']['lightbox_active'] = 'disabled';
return $avia;
However, I think the css solution is the “working” option.
Best regards,