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  • #1371993

    Dear Support,

    How can we deactivate “creativework” schema?
    For every section, for every content: creativework schema is there. And we can’t manage it.
    Can you please insert an option for this to deactivate this?
    It’s for “The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.”
    More specific Types

    But what is the sense for content, which can be easily crawled? Furthermore, we have the article and blog schema.org. But this can be solved with rank math.

    As result: creativework destroying defined meta-descriptions (from Rankmath). The defined meta description is in the source code.
    Google take creative work in so many cases as snippet. Sometimes, I have 3,4 words only in my meta description, while all other checks are ok from different test.

    And all of my competitors have no creativework schema, but defined meta desc. is shown.
    Furthermore, my rich snippet does not show the meta descr., while all others have the right result in the google rich snippet test.

    Thx & best

    PS: FAQ etc. is ok, I want this if you tell me to deactivate schema globally in enfold.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Hokuspokus.

    Hey S.,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can actually use the avf_markup_helper_attributes filter to adjust the schema attributes based on a certain context. If you want to disable the creativeWork schema for entries, add this code in the functions.php file.

    function avf_markup_helper_attributes_modified($attributes, $args)
        global $post;
        if ( $args['context'] == 'entry' ) 
            if ( is_object( $post ) && 'post' !== $post->post_type ) 
        return $attributes;
    add_filter('avf_markup_helper_attributes', 'avf_markup_helper_attributes_modified', 10, 2);

    Best regards,


    Dear Support, I have two hints for you. In schema.org-test, it’s not good what I see.

    If I activate and deactivate your Schema-Support, there are two bugs.

    For the blog right sidebar, I got this message.

    WPSideBar @type WPSideBar warning blogPost The blogPost property is not recognized by the schema (e.g. schema.org) as an object of type WPSideBar.

    And the SiteNavigationElement: I’m not convinced, but:

    But two times the same element with same content? Is it a conflict with another seo-tools?
    And inside your sitenaviagtion element: The URLs repeating itself two times:
    Example: https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/homepage/home-v2-3-col-images-contact/

    Your Schema.org Test

    With an extra error inside the wepgae element.

    A selector to select / deselect schema-types in the enfold option would be nice to prevent this.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Hokuspokus.

    I tested Ismael code above and it removed creativeWork schema for entries, if you want to change it to something more specific like PodcastSeries then use this code:

    function avf_markup_helper_attributes_modified($attributes, $args)
        global $post;
        if ( $args['context'] == 'entry' ) 
            if ( is_object( $post ) && 'post' !== $post->post_type ) 
    	     $attributes['itemscope'] = 'itemscope';
                $attributes['itemtype']  = 'https://schema.org/PodcastSeries';
        return $attributes;
    add_filter('avf_markup_helper_attributes', 'avf_markup_helper_attributes_modified', 10, 2);

    But sense you are using Rankmath for your schema you would probably be better off disabling the Automated Schema in the theme option Enfold Theme Options ▸ SEO Support, please note the text next to the option:

    The theme adds generic HTML schema markup to your template builder elements to provide additional context for search engines. If you want to add your own specific markup via plugins or custom HTML code, you can deactivate this setting

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    I think, it would be easier for all to have “enhanced option” inside the enfold option to toggle on/off the schemas which are fired, also to prevent malfunctions with seo-plugins. Instead, every person must manipulate the functions.php.

    I like some schemas from enfold, which I must declare in rankmath or others with extra work like navigation (possible buggy, see my other thread) or breadcrumbs etc.

    Best Regards



    I have submitted this to the Dev Team feature request for their review.

    Best regards,

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