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  • #1475294

    How can I customise the length of the text excerpt in the widget -> Blog posts -> with the setting Grid layout -> Text excerpt only and Read more link? The aim is to display around 50 words instead of the current 60 characters.

    Wie kann man im Widget -> Blog Beiträge -> mit der Einstellung Rasterlayout -> Nur Textauszug und Weiterlesen-Link die Länge des Textauszugs customizieren? Das Ziel ist es, dass statt der aktuell vorgegebenen ca. 60 Zeichen etwa 50 Wörter angezeigt werden.


    Hey togetherconcept,
    Try this solution:

    note that you may need to adjust for the special charters “quotes” in the code.
    Or perhaps this one:

    but note that the grid layout with the “read more” is only for some theme layouts so we would need to see your site with admin access to investigate feather.
    Best regards,


    Thanks a lot. This code worked fine:

    add_filter('avf_postgrid_excerpt_length','avia_change_postgrid_excerpt_length', 10, 1);
    function avia_change_postgrid_excerpt_length($length)
       $length = 100;
       return $length;


    Thanks for the update, and for sharing your code. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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