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  • #1343556

    I have preloaded 70+ videos to my YouTube playlist in bulk (i.e. several together on the same day) and each labeled as Private. Each day I plan on posting a “Daily Word” video on 2 pages (see URLs below). I’m using iFrame code to post the video. Since I’ve uploaded the videos in bulk, it’s not possible to use YouTube sort dates to display the newest video as I had hoped.

    Below is a suggestion I received. I’m not versed on JavaScript. So was just wondering if someone could let me know if this sounds reasonable and how I would implement it or if there are other suggestions.

    I have an idea: let’s say your iframe link looks like this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=VIDEO_ID&list=YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID&index=INDEX_VALUE = then, you could create a javascript code that sets the VIDEO_ID and INDEX_VALUE according to your needs. Only you know the video order to show. Then, you could do something like this example: myPrivateVideos = {“video_id_1”, “video_id_2”, “video_id_3”}; myLink = “https://youtube.com/watch?v=”+myPrivateVideos%5BmyPrivateVideos.length-1%5D. = this would bring the latest video in the array

    For example, below are links to first 3 Daily Word videos that I plan on posting.

    Any and all thoughts and guidance are greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards,


    Enfold Team,

    I realize this may be a complex request and I may not have explained clearly enough.

    Please let me know if you need any additional information.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,


    These are requirements that can be better realised by special plug-ins.
    I use on that https://wordpress.org/plugins/youtube-embed-plus/
    you can see here a page of a friend – where i set up with enfold a “youtube-channel” page: Link
    The Free Version of this plugin is mighty enough to fullfill a lot of your requests.


    @Guenni007, thank you for your response and suggestion.

    Maybe I’m over complicating this…sorry.

    Let me try a simpler approach . . .

    I’ve preloaded 70+ videos to my Playlist and labeled them as Private. My goal is to show the “Date Published (Newest)” video daily (i.e. 1 video per day, the newest). When I schedule the video from Private to a desired date, it picks up that date as the Published Date, which is what I need. However, within my Playlist I have it sorted by “Date Published (Newest)”, but the newest doesn’t appear to go to top without me manually re-sorting the Playlist.

    Two questions:

    1. Is there a way within YouTube to automatically move the newest scheduled video (Private to Public) to the top of the list without my manual intervention (i.e. manually re-sorting the Playlist – “Date Published (Newest)”?

    2. Here is the embedded iFrame code that I’m using. Is there anything within my code that could help correct this?

    <div class="youtube-video-container">
      allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"

    I just realize this iFrame URL pulls all videos from my Playlist; they just play one after another. How can I only point it to the most recent video in the Playlist?

    Hope this makes more sense and is less complicated. Thank you for your patience and support!!!

    Best Regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Jules. Reason: Original URL is not working

    @guenni007, I followed up with Embed Plus. Retrieving the latest single video from a Playlist is not currently a feature that Embed Plus provides. Thank you for the suggestion.

    Enfold Support & others,
    Could I use a permanent link to retrieve the most recent YouTube video from my Playlist, something like this:

    <div class="youtube-video-container">
      src="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= PLI1Ahx4x_H5fqrB6XB4pkeqyo2qsJnDus&playnext=1&index=1"
      allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"

    I tried it but nothing showed up in the page. Any ideas of what I’m missing or another way to do this?

    The next challenge is to ensure when I schedule the availability of my daily videos (i.e. schedule the date and move from Private to Public) that the YouTube video moves to the top of my Playlist. If I sort the Playlist by “Date Published (Newest)”, should the new published video move to the top of the list where the permanent link mentioned above would display it.

    Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Jules.

    but i think if you show the gallery – you see that there is on top the last added video and beneath the thumbnails of the older videolinks in that playlist.
    All these thumbs are in a unique container ( class: epyt-gallery-list ) if you set this to display none – you will have on top the newest video link.


    but i think if you show the gallery – you see that there is on top the last added video and beneath the thumbnails of the older videolinks in that playlist.
    All these thumbs are in a unique container ( class: epyt-gallery-list ) if you set this to display none – you will have on top the newest video link.


    I have Embed Plus setup with a YouTube API v3. I’m not sure I totally follow “you see that there is on top the last added video and beneath the thumbnails of the older videolinks in that playlist” and “All these thumbs are in a unique container ( class: epyt-gallery-list ) if you set this to display none – you will have on top the newest video link.

    Can you show me in the plug-in with a screenshot and explain a little further – please. This is new to me and I’m trying to follow along. THANK YOU!!!

    I’ve created a test page: https://kingdomlearners.com/youtube-embed-plus-test-page/ and it plays, but the problem is that once the latest video plays, it continues into the next Daily Word video from the Playlist, etc. etc. I’m pretty sure it’s because I didn’t fully understand your generous instructions.

    Any and all assistance is GREATLY APPRECIATED!

    Best Regards,


    I have not used this plugin before but looking at the plugin page it says:

    YouTube gallery auto continuous play – embed a playlist or channel gallery and allow it to play one video after the next without requiring viewers to click a thumbnail.

    so I assume that if you don’t want the next video to play there is a setting auto continuous play that you can disable, check for this.
    If you don’t see this please include an admin login in the Private Content area so we can check.
    As I understand the only issue now is that the next video plays automatically and you don’t want this?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your response. Yes, the only issue now is that the next video plays automatically and I don’t want this?

    I “think” I’ve disabled any auto continuous play setting, but maybe I’m overlooking it.

    Here is a link to my test page: https://kingdomlearners.com/youtube-embed-plus-test-page/ I also provided my credentials below.

    I have the plugin-in working as Contained Playlist at the top of my test page, which displays one video and after this video plays, the next ordered video in the Playlist starts, etc. However, the second test on this page I have a Gallery from the Playlist. The top video is the most recent. When it plays, at the end it stops and displays other relevant videos. If I could keep this and remove the other videos, this would be perfect. I think this is what @guenni007 was eluding to, but just not clear to me on how to implement it (e.g. “All these thumbs are in a unique container ( class: epyt-gallery-list ) if you set this to display none – you will have on top the newest video link.”)

    “you see that there is on top the last added video and beneath the thumbnails of the older videolinks in that playlist” and “All these thumbs are in a unique container ( class: epyt-gallery-list ) if you set this to display none – you will have on top the newest video link.”

    Thank you and others @guenni007 for your help.

    Best Regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Jules.

    Thanks for the login, for your second video I added a code block below it this this css:
    .epyt-gallery-list {display:none;}
    I was not sure if you meant to remove the relevant videos that show under the video or after the video, so the css in a code block is just a test for this one page.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for this code!

    If I decided to hide the Relevant Videos, do I do that from the plug-in or within CSS code?

    Also, when I play this video, from my smartphone, it launches another player window that requires more clicks. Is there a way to mimic this experience:

    FYI – this doesn’t happen from PC/laptop.

    Thank you for your help!!!

    Best Regards,


    I tested you /youtube-embed-plus-test-page/ on my Android phone and I only need to tap once to play the video, I don’t have an iPhone to test with, are you experiencing this with iPhone?
    If the css .epyt-gallery-list {display:none;} is what you wanted and you want this for your whole site then you can add it to your Quick CSS, if you only want this for one page please link to it so we can adjust it for you.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    Yes, I’m testing this from my iPhone.

    Here is how I start, but I need to click the play button twice for it to start playing. No idea why?


    When it starts playing, it opens this other window/video player. I have to click the “X” in the upper left hand corner to exit this window/video player – extra clicks


    After clicking the “X” I come back to this


    Is there a way to correct this, so I don’t have the extra clicks?

    I would only want this for two pages. Thanks for your offer to correct it. Can you do this on the test page and I apply it to the other 2 pages? Im still trying to figure out how to identify the most recent video on my Playlist. When I schedule from Private to Public with a newer date, it’s not automatically showing up at the top of my Playlist.

    Greatly appreciate your help and the amazing help of this group.

    Best Regards,


    About your video, this looks like an iPhone thing because Android just plays in the YouTube frame, my research seem to point to the need for a &playsinline=1 parameter to the embed url so I added this to your code, please test this and see if it helps.

    For the css, to make it work on this one page I added this css to your Quick CSS:

    #top.page-id-3897 .epyt-gallery-list {display:none;}

    Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for your help. The test video appeared to work on my iPhone.

    Please see details below in PRIVATE.

    We are launching our site on Monday, Mar14th. We could not have come this far without the Enfold theme and the outstanding support by the Kriesi Team. Thank you all for all your efforts, patience and guidance.

    THANK YOU!!!

    Best Regards,


    Thank you, I added &playsinline=1 again, Please see the screenshot in the Private Content area.
    Please check again and let us know if it is working and if we can close this thread.

    Best regards,


    THANK YOU for re-adding the code!

    Here is my experience from my iPhone using Google Chrome, Safari & DuckDuckGo:

    1. Here is where it starts. I click on the Play Button. Note: As you can see, the Play Button is not red.


    2. After clicking the Play Button, it acts like it wants to play, but then returns to the Play Button, which is red – see next image.


    3. After the two steps above occur, then I have a red Play Button and the video plays inline.


    Is there a way to correct this. My sincere apologies for this long thread. I guess I’m just getting nervous with the site launching tomorrow.

    Thanks for ALL your HELP!!!

    Best Regards,


    Thanks for the screenshots, I was able to borrow an iPhone 7 and test your page on Safari and found that the video was not playing on the first tap like you said, but on my Android it was working. So as I looked around your site I found that the plugin Embed Plus Plugin for YouTube has a setting iOS Playback and this setting adds the &playsinline=1 parameter automatically
    so I enabled this option and removed my manually added parameter and tested on iPhone 7 Safari & Android Chrome and in both the video plays on the first tap.
    please clear your browser cache and check.
    Please note that testing with iPads & iPhones can be hard to clear the cache, often you need to also clear the history to fully purge the cache, following these steps for Safari and note Step 4 where you will Clear the History.

    Best regards,



    WOW! That was FAST and it FIXED the problem!!!!!

    Thank you so very much for your patience, guidance and support on getting this fixed for me.

    Please close this issue. THANK YOU!!!

    Best Regards,


    Glad we were able to help, and special thanks to Guenni007 for originally suggesting this plugin to help you. 🙂 If you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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