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  • #753384

    Hi, I made a very heavy color section, full of cells, images and text. I’m very happy with how it ended up and would love to copy it to 2 other pages I have.

    re-creating it manually would take a lot time and I may end up forgetting some small object configurations.

    What’s the best way to copy it?

    Thank you!


    Yes! This is very simple actually. Mouse over the color section in the editor and notice the icons that show up in the upper left corner. Click the first icon (labeled Save Element as Template), enter a name for it and click Save. Then go to the other page that you want to insert the section into and make sure the Advanced Layout Builder is active. In the upper right corner of the editor find the button/menu marked Templates and click it. You’ll see the name of the template you created earlier. Select it and it will be inserted into the editor. That’s all there is to it!

    Bear in mind that each instance of the template in your content is completely separate so changes you make to one would not be reflected on other pages. You’d have to resave the section and reinsert it wherever you need it.

    Please let me know if this solves your issue.




    Thank you very much @kevinmcgillivray for that detailed explanation, much appreciate :-)

    Did you try it out @0_o and did you have any luck with it?

    Best regards,


    Happy to help @rikard. You guys rock!


    Thanks for the help Kevin, it was much easier than I expected :)


    Glad to help!


    Hi @0_o,

    Great, glad you got it working. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Thanks again @kevinmcgillivray for helping out :-)

    Best regards,

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